Tuesday, August 23, 2011


http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/hendra-virus-strikes-turf-country/story-e6frg6nf-1226120771242?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheAustralianNewsNDM+%28The+Australian+%7C+News+%7C%29&utm_content=Google+International                   HENDRA VIRUS STRIKES AT BREEDING PROPERTY IN CURRUMBIN VALLEY, GOLD COAST!!  
Are all you horse owners/carers out there prepared?  
 Do you have a Hendra virus reporting service providing you with daily updates and how to recognise a range of symptoms, have you taken action about where to feed and water safely, fenced off trees that invite bats to feed, do you have emergency protective wear at the ready, an isolation area put aside for a suspect horse, several veterinarian's phone numbers (in case you cant' reach the 1st you call)???? What about considering how Homoeopathy may be able to assist give your horse/s a higher potential of resisting the virus, or if it has succumbed a greater chance of survival!! 
Well you should...don't be complacent...do it!!!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

New page update at this IMPORTANT site!!


Support this day for the betterment of you, your fellow humans, animals and environment!!!
Give yourself this day, give to others this day, give to the whole planet this day :)))

Friday, July 29, 2011

Hendra virus research funding petition!

This is not a time to be blasè. This virus is being considered the most dangerous in the world and we know so very little about it! Please sign!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Please go to this link for alert updates on the Hendra Virus!!


Please keep informed all you horse people out there.
Be on the alert if attending any horses sales and consider precautions. There is a horse sale being run at Lismore, Northern NSW, this Saturday. This is less than 20 kms away from Wollongbar where a horse had to be euthanased due to having Hendra Virus! At the very least after the sale wash your hands with soap on your way out, put your boots into a plastic bag back at the car and don on a fresh pair, go straight home to take a good shower and hair shampoo, put on a fresh set of clothes and wash the others. Especially do this before handling any horses of your own or elsewhere!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

On this day you share with all mankind, animals & environment the plan for a more authentic future!


1st International Public Holiday to commemorate the new Global Consciousness Era!!!

Seeking the path to education and equitable coexistence with people, animals and the living environment. Spend this day with family, friends and animals in a serene environment, at home or outdoors.

***ALERT ~ HENDRA VIRUS...be prepared!!!

This link at the Australian Horse Council site will take you to important information on how to take precautionary and personal safety measures as biosecurity against contact with Hendra Virus (HeV).
The recent outbreak of horses with Hendra Virus has reached us here on the Upper North Coast of NSW. Not more than 20 kms from the paddocks in which my own horses graze on my property near Lismore, a horse at Wollongbar was euthanased on Thursday as it had acquired Hendra Virus! Please take this alarmingly rapid disease seriously!! This region does harbour quite a few flying fox (bat) colonies from whence this disease is hosted and their flight paths are many over the area.
Keep safe,

Friday, July 1, 2011

Justice for ALL lifeforms and our environment!

I urge you to browse all the contents of this worthy site! 

I warn you that some content is quite graphic when it comes to cases of human or animal cruelty - 

PFJ profile posters that have not been personalised are free to download to show your global solidarity or tag to share.

Time has almost run out to halt the deterioration of our world as we know it. Haste is needed from EVERYONE to actually ACT on these matters NOW for there to be any hope for our planet to recover. Our planet's generosity is being rapidly overtaken by the global economy and worldwide human and animal atrocities.

  "People who care for the environment care for life."  
                                   ~ Bob Oort ~

Friday, April 1, 2011

Following Up On The Last Link On Food Colors ~

Food Color Chart Acts As An Educational Tool
A Malaysian-born artist has created an interesting chart representing the natural colors seen in 88 fruits and vegetables and coined it the 'Nature Matching System'. This should be installed in all schools beside the canteen :)

Take Charge of Your Children's Future

Scientists Warn That Food Colors Damage Kids!
While this isn't new news to many it is a comfort that Scientists are also accepting, more and more, that this problem is real and is able to be validated. We need to educate children that pretty coloured food and drinks doesn't mean it tastes better. This has to begin at a VERY early age so that children aren't conditioned into making food/drink choices because of colour! Animals certainly should not need colour additives either but they can appear in some products because it appeals more to the human eye, rather than something looking pale and unexciting, that entices the human purchaser to buy it. We DON'T need any of these additives! 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Noise as a danger to health

Noise kills, and blights lives in Europe - environment - 31 March 2011 - New Scientist
If noise does this much harm to humans how much harm does it do to pets and wildlife! Horses obviously can get very rattled by noise and I expect all those creatures that have exceptionally acute hearing must suffer greatly! Some animals become terrified of noise by a bad experience with loud noise and need to go through desensitisation programs to be able to live with it. However, being conditioned to live with noise isn't doing them or us a favour.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Homoeopathy Treats Mastitis at Dairy Farms Successfully

Comparative Efficacy of homeopathic and allopathic systems of medicine in the management of clinical mastitis of Indian dairy cows
Cows from the Indian Veterinary Research Institute and from private dairy farms were used in a study that shows over-all effectiveness was 86.6% with the use of a homeopathic combination medicine to treat acute non-fibrosed mastitis.

Two Frequently Used Homoeopathics For Horses

As all horse carers know, horses are incredibly accident prone! Having to keep horses in small holdings means they often have undesirable encounters with fencing causing themselves injury. Smaller holding paddocks also don't allow enough space for horses to move out of each other's way or keep a respective distance, especially from dominant alpha horses. This leads to harm from being kicked at, lunged at and bitten or squeezing through a tight space in escape such as near a fence and getting caught up in it etc. Housing horses in stables sees them sometimes cast in a box, where they get down for a roll but end up lying on their back with their legs propped up against the wall unable to retrieve themselves from this position without human assistance. Horses take stumbles in the paddock when they run about in excitement or angst, cavort acrobatically, trip into the odd hole or depression and slide awkwardly in wet mud; frequently leading to the consequences of strains and sprains, bumps and bruises, torn ligaments or muscles, dislocations or worse. Horses ridden in sporting events, on a rough trail, jumping, cattle mustering etc will often yield the results of various types of injuries. 
With so many avenues for the horse to be harmed it is no wonder that the homoeopathic remedies Rhus-tox and Ruta-grav are of great assistance in the farmyard. Amongst other remedies, these are must haves in the 'First Response Kit'. The following is a brief prècis on these useful remedies:

RHUS-TOX...muscle or bone soreness and stiffness with pain showing most at the beginning of motion but improves with continued motion or warming up. Inflammation and swelling of long bones; soreness of prominent projection of bones; low back pain and sciatica; cervical stiffness; arthritis; rheumatism; tendonitis; skin eruptions...vesicular, red, intensely itchy and burning that are worse at night and better for hot bathing; poisoning by oak or ivy; fever blisters about the lips. Affects right side more often than the left. Complaints are worse from cold or cold wet weather and better for warm bathing. The horse is restless and displays a desire to change position all the time. He is better for constant motion but soon tires and must rest again which in turn becomes restlessness. He will be seen to be worse in the stable and better outdoors in the field. Often used alternated with Ruta-grav for aches and pains!
Worse - cold damp weather, after rain, exposure to wet; getting chilled or being hot and sweaty; at night; beginning of motion; before a storm.
Better - continued motion; heat, hot wash; stretching limbs; and walking.

RUTA-GRAV...specific to damage of periosteum of bone. Prominently used for connective tissue ailments; cartilage, muscles or tendons/ligaments; lameness after ­sprains especially of the fetlocks, knees, elbows, hocks or stifles; strained or sprained flexor tendons; neck strains; frozen shoulder; damaged tendon sheaths; bruised and broken bones, fractures and dislocations; slipping stifles; pain on bending joints; cracking in joints; contracted hamstrings; rheumatism; myositis; injuries from overuse; sciatica; bruised over-strained eyes. Parts of the body are painful, as if bruised, sore aching and restless. Easily tired from physical exertion. May be suspicious or fretful. May have increased thirst for cold water, drinks much and often.
Worse - from movement of any kind; climbing up or down hills; cold, wet weather or dampness.
Better - warmth; rubbing or scratching the area.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Look into my eyes to predict my amputation risk - health - 26 March 2011 - New Scientist


The old saying 'The Eyes Are the Windows To The Soul' takes on a fresh meaning. The University of Queensland has been finding consistent results, after looking at the eye with powerful microscopes, that reveal a level of nerve damage to the eye's cornea that commonly appears in the eye's of people with Diabetes. Shows a promising possibility of early detection within the health system! Nothing new to Iridologists of course ;)

Monday, March 21, 2011

From My Whispering Horse Therapies Page

Homoeopathics for Equine Healing Response Kit
This a short list briefly describing some commonly used remedies that every horse owner should consider acquiring for their First Response Kit for injuries, sudden illness, infection, dehydration etc!
Apple Leaf Croton-Toxic to Horses

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How the whole family, pets and even the garden can benefit from one practitioner, a Classical Homoeopath!!

Remember the old days when the family doctor, particularly in isolated rural areas, came to your home to treat your family, dropped a few hints about your ailing pet and maybe even stayed for lunch. Doctors used to integrate into family life and its running on a much greater scale and played a large part in the community as a whole, becoming very familiar with all the inhabitants. These days doctors are not in the position to have time to act this way nor the inclination to get so involved, for various reasons.

However, you can still receive this type of special care, where much time is spent on rectifying whatever imbalances need addressing, for your entire family; from the very young to the very old, your pets, livestock and even your garden plants or crops can be attended to. One person can achieve this for you, your 'Classical Homoeopath'! A homoeopath devotes many hours in taking cases to get to know you intimately, support you and provide quality, effective healthcare. They have the expertise to address problems in ALL life forms, that is why they can offer you such a complete service.

No more having to go to several different sources to meet these requirements. Homoeopathy can meet all your health desires in the one place. Your homoeopath will even teach you how to make more accurate observations of your family, pets and greenery to involve you in the process of helping you reach your health goals. Sounds good, well it is. You have nothing to lose with trying homoeopathy and everything to gain!

Yours Faithfully,


This is a seriously bad problem that could have gotten worse without the right advice. The dog may have eventually turned on his carer around food. See the next link to find out how this type of behaviour can be addressed.


Please click on the heading to reach the link. Just love the way that Caesar deals with canine dog behaviour issues. He really is very good at understanding pack mentality and using it to his best advantage in his training methods!